popular demand
due to popular demand, i'm updating my blog. actually, i've been meaning to do it for a while. anyway, alan is playing final fantasy right now. basically, i go to work, come home, eat and play nintendo, then i work out and then chill at home till i go to bed. exciting huh? well, pottawat, the raffle isn't going well. someone decided to steal 80 bones from the fund when they put a freaking boot on my car on the 4th of july! i guess i wasn't allowed to park at kfc. i'm never going there again. i just parked there and walked across the street to the park where the fireworks were. gay. that's all i've gotta say bout that. so yeah, the fund is at an all time low of negative 80 bucks. maybe i'll just buy it myself. what do you think about that? that would be AWESOME if i could afford it. maybe i'll just walk to c.b. and visit ya. that'd be tight. it'd probably be a long walk. needless to say, august needs to get here sooner. as in, now.
i'll only accept a ticket if it is fundraised. sorry.
haha, thanks anyway though, and thanks for offering to walk to c.b. ...all the bluffs are here, so you should really think about it.
sorry about the boot. i HATE boots. they are evil.
only if its funraised! well, i better get crackin then. where should i start? maybe i should fundraise to get me a ticket to c.b.....
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